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Contractors' insurance – an entrepreneur, contractor, or private builder is exposed during the period of building to accompanying dangers of damage to the building, and/or to workers and/or to third parties. Contractors therefore need a special policy that will provide a wide, comprehensive solution for their needs and will provide insurance cover for projects from start to finish.

Heavy mechanical equipment insurance – if you own or are responsible for heavy mechanical equipment you are certainly aware of many dangers to which this equipment is exposed. Heavy mechanical equipment insurance covers damages to the equipment, whether during work or while it is standing idle. We will provide you with heavy mechanical equipment insurance that covers all the dangers from external accident damage, and extends the insurance to third-party insurance for property and bodily damage.

כתובת: הבנאים 12, ת.ד. 15070 אשדוד 77050.  טלפון: 08-8635100 פקס: 08-8532666
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