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Pension insurance – a fund in which savings accumulate for the benefit of the employee. Both the employee and the employer pay money into the fund for the purpose of paying a monthly pension to the employee. In practice the pension fund is your "salary" after you retire from work. The size of payment from the pension fund is determined according to the amount of savings that have accumulated in the pension fund over the years until the date of retirement. In this way – the more you save in the pension fund – the higher a monthly "salary" you will receive.


Managers' insurance – like every life insurance, provides the employee's surviving relatives with a payment in the case of death. It provides the employee with a sum that will be paid to him or her in old age, after retirement from work. When the policy also includes income protection insurance, it also covers the risk of disability.

כתובת: הבנאים 12, ת.ד. 15070 אשדוד 77050.  טלפון: 08-8635100 פקס: 08-8532666
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