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Saving plans: a product that enables saving for any range of investment – short, medium or long – and is suitable for any purpose. This product provides great flexibility in managing savings and investments, including the possibility of depositing one-time sums (subject to the permission of the insurance company) and/or ongoing deposits, choosing investment in a variety of tracks and combining them to create an investment mix and an optimal level of risk for the person saving, or withdrawing the money saved at any time, subject to the terms of the policy, without paying fines and/or early redemption fees. All this makes managed saving an ideal product for saving for children or grandchildren, or for any other purpose.
Managed saving does not include an insurance component and the money invested is intended for saving only.


Provident funds – a provident fund is a pension saving tool for employees and self-employed people, which is based on ongoing accumulation of part of the monthly income until retirement age and is supervised by the Ministry of Finance. Saving in a provident fund enables the person saving to receive their money when retiring from work – as a monthly stipend, i.e. a fixed sum every month that replaces their income from their employer (instead of their monthly salary) or as capital (a one-time sum) according to the kind of fund and the period of saving. The saver is entitled to choose the investment track of the provident fund according to their considerations and to move freely between tracks without affecting their rights. It is to be noted that the law determines, among other matters, the rules, dates for depositing money, and the rates, and also the rules about when the money can be withdrawn from the fund.

כתובת: הבנאים 12, ת.ד. 15070 אשדוד 77050.  טלפון: 08-8635100 פקס: 08-8532666
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