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Death is liable to leave your dear ones without a source of income. Life insurance policies in case of death (risk) guarantee an economic basis for you and your family in the case of a disaster. So why take the risk? The principle of life insurance is simple: you pay financial cover for various risks; therefore life insurance is called "risk." The sum of life insurance depends on the number of family members, the length of time during which you planned to support them, the monthly sum that you want to guarantee them and additional sources of income and financial liabilities that you and your family have. If an event occurs that is covered by life insurance, the insurance company will pay you or your family the sum for which you are insured. The purpose of the money is to ensure a standard of living to the insured party and the beneficiaries – you and your family.

כתובת: הבנאים 12, ת.ד. 15070 אשדוד 77050.  טלפון: 08-8635100 פקס: 08-8532666
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